
Welcome to Coffee Books Life!

Thank you for stopping by. We are just a couple of girls sharing our passion of reading. There's nothing like getting lost in a fantasy world, falling in love, being taken back in time, being transformed into another creature and taking on a wild ride. All the amazing  things that books can do.  We just like our books with those wonderful Alpha men and those awesome kick ass heroines.  We love our romance books. Why not have a happily ever after. Okay will even take a happy for now.  LOL!

We are avid readers sharing our passion for books. We read because we want to. Because we love to! Talking and sharing with other readers is the way to find out about new authors and books. It's also a wonderful way to get to know other people that share the same passion that we do. Oh and we are caffeine addicts as well.  We go by the moto Keep a book in one hand and coffee in the other.

Please note everything posted on this blog is because we want it here.

So come on in!  Grab a cup of coffee and a book and lets chat!


Life is what you make of it. That is why my head is stuck in a book. At a very young age I would get myself into trouble reading way past my bed time. And that is something that has not changed to this day. LOL I am an avid reader, mom, lover of food, music and tattoos. I like to shoot pool, spend time at the beach, hang with my girls, do some crafts and read some more. Any purse I buy must be able to carry what I need plus my kindle.
This blog is all about my love of reading. I chose what books I want to read and review. If I rave about a book it is because I want to. Readers talk and share. That is how we find the books we love. I will only be posting what I truly love. I may even throw in a mystery in the mix.
So, Welcome and Thanks for stopping by my blog. Don’t be shy, say Hello! I love meeting new reader and talking books.
Keep a book in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other!


My first true memory of my childhood was getting a basket of books for Easter.  I was always the kid who would ask for extra reading assignments and hated summer because I couldn’t get to a library everyday.  As I got older that passion grew and I believe that a good book got me through the hardest times of my life.  I can get lost in a story that’s well written faster then I can get lost in any movie or show.

My life changed when I was a teenager and I met Mamma D.  She’s the woman who opened my eyes to authors like J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and romance in general.  My own mother had romances from the 70′s with the cheesy titles and covers that I thought were not only dusty but gross.  I never thought that I would fall in love and never get enough; but I did.  Even now with a busier schedule I still average a book a week and I’d read at work if I could  I read a variety of genres including but not limited to: young adult, new adult, mystery, romance of all kinds, nonfiction, etc.  In other words; you name it I’ll try reading it

Mamma D’s is still my favorite library with a never ending supply of worlds to get lost in.  When she invited me to be apart of this blog I couldn’t wait to get started and share my favorite passion with everyone.  With a cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other I hope that everyone will find this blog as a place to contribute your thoughts with friends who are all linked in this amazing passion.


Hello Ladies and Gentleman,

*bows* My name is Shadow. It is my pleasure to be here on this blog talking about the books that I have read. Reading has been a passion for me since I was a little girl. As an only child, I had a lot of time to myself. I never had a hard time entertaining myself. New worlds, exciting people, and awesome adventures awaited me every time I opened a book (which was every day). My non-book life has been pretty exciting as an animal lover/activist, horseback rider, dancer, lifetime girl scout, book enthusiast, and amateur author.

I do have to give a special shout out to Mamma D because without her all of this could not be possible. I would have eventually found the greats such as Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter, and JR Ward. However, it would have taken much longer. So that is plenty about me. Let us get on with the books!

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